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  • How to Block Carbohydrate Absorption?

    How to Block Carbohydrate Absorption?

    Carbs are named so because they contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen at a chemical level. Although they are one of the main ways that the body gets energy, they are proven to cause excess weight gain.

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    Find a Carbs Blocker!

    Clinical studies confirm it:

    You can block carbohydrate absorption!

    You can lose excess weight!

    You can improve your diet!

Do you consume excess carbs?
The recommended daily intake of carbs depends on how many calories you eat in one day. For those that eat a 2000 calorie diet, it is suggested that you should be getting around 900-1300 calories from carbs, which is equivalent to no more than 225-326 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Importance of Carbohydrates

Energy for working muscles and the fuel for the central nervous system comes from carbohydrates, and they prevent the body from using protein as an energy source. They are also key for brain function and have a big influence on mood, memory and decision making.

What are Carbohydrates?

  • Importance of Carbohydrates
  • Importance of Carbohydrates
  • Importance of Carbohydrates


Carbohydrates (carbs) are a basic food group which are important for a healthy life. Carbs are fibers, starches and sugars which can be found in grains, fruits, vegetables and milk products. From these foods, the body makes glucose which is the body’s main energy source and it can be used straight away or stored for later use.


They are known as ‘micronutrients’, which means they are one of the main ways that the body gets energy, and along with protein and fats, are vital for proper body function. Micronutrients can only be obtained through diet due to the body not being able to produce its own, and large quantities are required to stay healthy.


Some people may suffer from a carbohydrate intolerance which is the inability to digest certain carbs due to the lack of one or more intestinal enzymes. This can be verified by a doctor and changes made to the diet to ensure that the right amount of nutrients for the body are consumed.

All tissues and cells inside your body need carbs and they are also vital for waste elimination and intestinal health. While carbohydrates are often to blame for weight gain, they are required to keep your body functioning well.

Bad Carbs vs. Good Carbs

All carbs are not created equal and are separated into two groups; Complex (good) and Simple (bad). It is important to understand the difference between the two and use the right kinds of carbs in your diet for optimum health.

Unfortunately, many nutrition labels will not explain whether carbs are simple or complex so having the knowledge on how carbs are classified when choosing the right foods for your diet can make all the difference.

Good: Complex Carbs

Good: Complex Carbs

Complex carbs are fiber and starches commonly found in whole plant foods and are often rich in vitamins and minerals. As they are generally high in fiber, they keep you fuller for longer and promote good health. Complex carbs contain longer chains of sugar molecules which take more time for the body to break down and use, therefore providing you with a longer and more consistent amount of energy.

Eating whole food complex carbohydrates optimizes weight, energy and metabolism, and assist in producing melatonin which helps regulate sleep. Brain function relies on good complex carbs and without them you can feel depressed, fatigued and have a hard time concentrating.

Types of complex carbs include starchy vegetables, whole grain foods, green vegetables and lentils.

Bad: Simple Carbs

Bad: Simple Carbs

Simple carbs are basically sugars that give the quickest sort of energy due to being rapidly digested. Some sugars are natural and are found in fruit or milk products, while others are processed or refined sugars, used in sodas, candies and baked goods. Many processed goods include various types of added sugars and when you look at the nutrition labels you will see names such as glucose, maltose, syrup, sucrose, corn sweetener and brown sugar among many others.

While getting a good intake of carbs is important, loading up on cakes and sweets every day just to get your daily serving is not a good idea. Even though you can receive a quick energy hit, your body does not get any other much needed nutrients that are found in complex carbs and you’ll also be running back to the kitchen or snack machine within hours of your last fix.

Types of simple carbs include honey, fruit drinks, soft drinks, candy and table sugar.

Do you consume excess carbs?
Eating a diet that has a moderate amount of healthy carbs is best for long-term health and weight management. Excess carbohydrate absorption should be prevented.

Bad Carbs and Health

It is scientifically proven that there is a connection between bad carbs and excess weight, and many health problems such as diabetes and heart disease can be related to over consumption of bad carbs.

Understanding the difference between good and bad carbs and how they affect your body is critical for long term health and wellbeing.

Bad Carbohydrates

Bad carbs cause blood sugars to increase dramatically after eating and triggers the pancreas to produce more insulin, the hormone which promotes fat storage, but then plummet leaving you feeling hungry again. Unless you're an athlete or need a sudden rush of energy for some reason, it's usually best to avoid these carbs in your daily diet. Bad carbs cause weight gain and other health issues when over consumed.

Avoid Bad Carbohydrates

Limiting the amount of bad carbohydrates that you put into your body is essential for weight loss as you’ll be consuming less calories. By eating more complex carbs, you are able to stay fuller for longer and ensure that you are getting other important nutrients that your body needs, while having longer lasting energy and a better mood.

Weight Gain

Being overweight or obese can lead to a variety of health problems, such as increased risk of stroke, heart disease and diabetes. Gaining weight also makes way for mental health issues such as low self-esteem and depression. onsuming more calories than you are able to burn will certainly lead to weight gain, so keeping weight at a healthy level and ensuring you are getting the right kinds of carbs in your diet can help avoid long term health issues and promote a better state of wellbeing.

Block Carbohydrate Absorption

In today’s world, it is now possible to turn to products that block carbohydrate absorption when taken over a period of time. While total blockage is not possible, these products are able to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and calories absorbed by your body and can assist in a weight loss program of a healthy diet and exercise.

For those on a weight loss program, knowing which carbs are right for your diet, will ensure you are able to achieve your goals and maintain them.

Facts about Carbs Absorption

Regardless of whether the food source is a simple sugar cube or a high-fiber, low glycemic index bowl of oatmeal, all carbohydrates we consume are digested into monosaccharides (simple sugars) before they’re absorbed by the body. More important to know is that healthier carbs are digested and absorbed much slower which is useful for long term energy, while non-healthy carbs are digested very quickly.

How are carbs absorbed?


Simple Carbs Absorption

As the name suggests, simple carbohydrates have a simple structure which means your body will digest and absorb that food faster. Simple carbs include one-unit sugars (monosaccharides) such as fructose, glucose and galactose, and two-unit sugars (disaccharides) such as lactose, sucrose and maltose. Monosaccharides don’t require any further breakdown from enzymes in your body and are absorbed directly. Diets high in simple carbs are known to increase risk of heart disease and diabetes.


Complex Carbs Absorption

Complex carbohydrates are more difficult to break down, so the digestion and absorption process is much slower. Starches and fiber are known as polysaccharides and resemble a long chain made up of many units of sugar. Starches need to be broken down by your body in order to make monosaccharides which is then absorbed into the bloodstream, transported to cells and converted into energy. This longer process ensures that you have slower burning energy and are not looking for snacks or quick energy boosts in between meals. Complex carbohydrates usually have many other important nutrients which are absorbed by our digestive system. Diets high in complex carbs are known to decrease chances of diabetes and heart disease.


Carbs Absorption Rate

The digestion and absorption rate of carbohydrates is important. The faster the process takes place, the more it spikes our blood sugar levels. A slower process leads to a more steady supply of energy and a sense of feeling fuller for longer. Moreover, fiber isn’t able to be completely broken down in our digestive system as we lack the enzymes to do so.

Block Carbs Absorption
Carbohydrates blocking supplements may help to stop the absorption of sugars and starches from some of the foods we eat.
Carbs absorption blocker pills work by blocking the enzyme amylase to prevent carbohydrates from being absorbed. As these carbs pass through the body undigested, the calories are not absorbed.

How to Block Carbs Absorption?

Not all methods will be reliable or work for everybody so it’s important that you research and understand the benefits and risks before commencing. Sticking to your chosen form of treatment will ensure that you have better results over time.

Common carbs absorption methods include having a diet rich in fiber or choosing a low-carb diet, prescription medications, natural carbs absorption blocker pills, and extreme measures such as gastric bypass surgery are also an option for certain people.

Fiber-Rich Foods

Fiber-Rich Foods

Choosing a fiber-rich diet will always be good for your health as dietary fiber prevents constipation and maintains digestive regularity. While fiber can help control the absorption of carbohydrates, relying on a fiber-rich diet it is not a method that will work by itself and should be complemented with other weight loss techniques.

Consuming healthy soluble fiber creates a gel in your stomach after mixing with fluid and acts as a type of blocker to sugar and starches. This can help prevent big increases in glucose after a meal and even lower the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and overall cholesterol levels.

Foods that are rich in fiber and should be used regularly in your diet include rolled oats, legumes and fruit and vegetables. It is recommended that adults consume around 25g of soluble fiber every day for optimum digestive health.




Low-carb diet

Low-carb diet

It is an obvious point that diet is an important component of a good overall weight loss strategy. Over the years there has been many low-carb diet trends which have the idea that limiting carbs decreases insulin levels causing the body to burn stored fat for energy leading to weight loss.

Low-carb diets generally focus on consuming proteins such as meat, eggs and non-starchy vegetables while excluding or limiting grains, legumes, breads, pastas, fruits and starchy vegetables. Adapting to this kind of diet can lead to big lifestyle changes and may limit the availability of food options to you especially when dining out, attending an event or on vacation.

While many low-carb diets have been successful, some are not always healthy and can slow your metabolism in the long term. Before committing to a low-carb diet it is important to visit your doctor or a nutritionist to get the best advice.




Prescription Medications

Prescription Medications

Type II diabetics may be prescribed Acarbose (Precose) or Miglitol (Glyset) to assist in controlling blood glucose levels. These alpha glucosidase inhibitors have an intestinal enzyme which converts complex carbohydrates into digestible forms and lower the rate of carbs digestion and absorption.

By delaying carbs absorption, glucose levels are decreased after eating, thus reducing blood sugar spikes. While these medications are effective, there are many side effects to consider such as flatulence, diarrhea, cramps and anaemia, along with liver damage.

It is advised that people taking prescription medications such as these should have liver function tests every three months, as long term use could lead to liver dysfunction.




Gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass surgery may be a last resort for those overweight or obese people who have found that other weight loss techniques have not been effective. Done under general anaesthesia, the surgery involves using staples to make your stomach smaller and separating it into two pouches, including one about the size of a walnut which is where the food you eat will go.

This pouch is attached to a small part of the small intestine through which food will travel. As food will no longer go to parts of your small intestine and stomach, your body will absorb lesser calories.

After gastric bypass surgery, you will feel full with less food due to your stomach being smaller. It is an expensive but proven way to lose weight, however there are risks involved with around 2% to 8% of people having serious or life-threatening complications as a result of the surgery.




Carbs Absorption Blocker Pills

There are herbs, plants and natural remedies that will help people in blocking carbs absorption and losing weight. Carbs absorption blocker pills are dietary supplements that contain special natural ingredients which prevent a portion of consumed carbohydrates being absorbed and therefore reduce calorie intake.

When taking a course of carbs blocker pills, amylase, the enzyme which digests starches is inhibited making starch digestion lower as food moves through your body. These pills can be great for people who can’t keep away from foods such as breads and pasta, and allow for a more flexible diet.

They also act as an appetite suppressant because food is not digested fully so it’s left in your stomach making you feel fuller for longer. Although carbs blocker pills may work slower than other weight loss methods, they provide safer and more permanent results and should be used alongside a healthy diet and exercise program.




Order now
According to scientific studies:
While there are many different known methods on how to block carbohydrates absorption, carbs absorption blocker pills is the most safe and natural method.
With these natural pills, you are guaranteed to have a healthy progress and permanent results in weight loss.

Read more about carbs blockers

Clinical Studies

With more and more people turning to natural carbs absorption blocker pills to assist in their weight loss program, it is useful to look at the results of clinical studies undertaken on these kinds of pills.

Through various studies of different kinds of carbs blocker pills, the experts have agreed that they can help to lower the level of carbohydrate absorption into the body. This does however depend on the ingredients that are used and the amount of each as they can vary product to product.

As different carbs blocker pills use different ingredients that may not be suitable for every person, there is the possibility of side effects occurring. It has also been said that pills alone will not stop all carbohydrates absorption and that they should be used alongside a healthy diet. Choosing a clinically backed carbohydrate absorption product with natural ingredients will be beneficial in achieving your weight loss goals.

Clinical Studies

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